Our Services | Blinc International
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Our Services


Blinc will work with your company’s existing marketing team and sponsorship managers to evaluate existing sponsorship arrangements and source new opportunities across arts, sport, charity, community, grassroots, entertainment and fashion. Blinc provide commercial returns on sponsorships, driving sales and loyalty programs.

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At Blinc we provide a broad range of opportunities for our celebrity clients; including sourcing sponsorship agreements and product endorsements, negotiating media relationships, book publishing and player contracts.

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linc International is the only name you need when it comes to finding the right national or international celebrity or sporting personality for in an advertising or publicity campaign! Blinc saves you the time and effort in tracking down the right celebrity for your brief which allows your team to focus on the core objectives of the business.

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Blinc International Speakers Bureau will provide you access to a range of high profile and knowledgeable speakers for your next conference, or event. You may be looking for an MC for the night, an industry leader for a powerful in-house presentation, a band or string quartet for your Christmas party or a comedian for your social event.

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The Blinc International team has experience in delivering over 90 charity related events and functions to the marketplace as well as a number of awards functions and PR launches. In addition to traditional event management, Blinc also organise silent auction items, live auction items, arranges for an auctioneer, manages the charity appeal and all fundraising elements.

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